Bruno Bosteels
Professor, Department of Romance Languages
Cornell University
Bruno Bosteels es
profesor en el Departamento de Lenguas Románicas de Cornell University. Es
el autor de Badiou and Politics (Duke UP, 2011), The Actuality of
Communism (Verso, 2011), y Marx and Freud in Latin America:
Politics, Psychoanalysis and Religion in Times of Terror (Verso,
2012). En español ha publicado los
libros Alain Badiou o el recomienzo del materialismo dialéctico (Palinodia,
2009) y El marxismo en América Latina: Nuevos caminos al comunismo (Vicepresidencia
de la República Plurinacional de Bolivia, 2013). En la actualidad está
escribiendo dos nuevos libros: Philosophies of Defeat: The Jargon of
Finitude y The Mexican Commune. Es también el traductor al
inglés de media docena de libros de Alain Badiou, entre ellos Theory of the
Subject (Continuum, 2009) y The Adventure of French Philosophy (Verso,
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
University Professor
Columbia University
Gayatri Chakravorty
Spivak is University Professor, the highest honor given to a handful of
professors across the university, and a founding member of the Institute for
Comparative Literature and Society at Columbia University. B.A. English (First
Class Honors), Presidency College, Calcutta, 1959. Ph.D. Comparative
Literature, Cornell University, 1967. D. Litt, University of Toronto, 1999; D.
Litt, Univeristy of London, 2003; D. Hum, Oberlin College, 2008. D. Honoris
Causa, Universitat Roveri I Virgili, 2011, D. Honoris Causa, Rabindra Bharati,
2012, The 2012 Kyoto Prize Laureate in the field of Arts and Philosophy. Fields:
feminism, marxism, deconstruction, globalization. Her most recent books
include Song for Kali: A Cycle (translation with introduction of Ramproshad
Sen, 2000), Chotti Munda and His Arrow (translation with critical
introduction of a novel by Mahasweta Devi, 2002), Death of a
Discipline (2003), Other Asias (2005), An Aesthetic Education in
the Age of Globalization (2012), Du Bois and the General
Strike (forthcoming). Professor Spivak is an activist in rural education and
feminist and ecological social movements since 1986.
Alessandra Russo
Associate Professor,
Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures
Columbia University
Alessandra Russo is an Associate Professor in the Department
of Latin American and Iberian Cultures, at Columbia University. She teaches and
studies the Early Modern World, with a special attention to the theory,
practice and displaying of the arts in the context of the Iberian expansion.
She is the author of The Untranlsatable Image. A Mestizo History of the Arts
in New Spain, 1500-1600 (2014), El realismo circular. Tierras, espacios
y paisajes de la cartografía novohispana (2005) and co-editor of Images
Take Flight. Feather Art in Mexico and Europe, 1300-1700 (forthcoming). She
has participated in the curatorship of the international exhibitions El
vuelo de las imágenes and Planète métisse, and has been the
recipient of several grants, including the Getty Collaborative Research Grant
and the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin's fellowship. Her new book manuscript is
entitled A New Antiquity. Theories of the Arts and Iberian Expansion,
Gabriel Giorgi
Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese
New York University
Gabriel Giorgi
is Associate professor at the Dept of Spanish and Portuguese Languages
and Literatures at NYU. His areas of research include literatures from the
Southern Cone, biopolitics, queer theory and cinema. He is the author of Sueños
de exterminio. Homosexualidad y representación en la literatura argentina
(Beatriz Viterbo, 2004) , Formas comunes. Animalidad, cultura, biopolítica
(Eterna Cadencia, 2014), and co-author of Excesos de vida. Ensayos sobre
biopolítica (Paidós, 2007)
Professor and Chair, Department of Latin American and Iberian
Institute for Comparative Literature and Society
Columbia University
Jesús Rodríguez-Velasco teaches Medieval and Early Modern
Studies at Columbia. He has taught
at the University of California, Berkeley, Universidad de Salamanca, Université
de Paris III (Sorbonne Nouvelle), and the École Normale Supérieure (Lettres et
Sciences Humaines). Among his publications are books and articles on
Medieval and Early Modern knighthood, history of the book and reading, medieval
political theory, law and culture, Occitan poetry, etc. He is one of the
executive directors of the Journal
of Medieval Iberian Studies and a member of the MLA Committee on Scholarly Editions.
He was the recipient of the 2010 John K. Walsh award for his article "La
urgente presencia de lasSiete Partidas".