
Friday, April 11

3 PM – 5 PM
Theory and the Early Modern Archive

Gayatri Spivak (Columbia)
Alessandra Russo (Columbia)

Daniel Da Silva (Columbia)
Nicole Hughes (Columbia)
Rachel Stein (Columbia)

Ibai Atutxa (Columbia)

This roundtable will explore the relationship between archive and theory and the ways in which archives challenge and expand theoretical discourses.  The graduates will introduce an aspect of their research or a short work related to this topic and Professors Spivak and Russo will then respond to and engage with the presented work while also relating larger questions of theory and archive to their own work. Daniel da Silva presents a reading of Portuguese Manuelino architecture that reveals its liminal qualities, complicates theories of globalization and engages with the concept of connected histories.  Nicole T. Hughes argues that mestizo practices and spaces of theater in the long sixteenth century represented and thereby situated Iberian geopolitical events in the Americas and, at the same time, inscribed new societies into European history. Rachel Stein turns to books on the New World printed in early seventeenth-century Lisbon to investigate the functioning of the printing press in the global expansion of the Spanish-Portuguese Union of Crowns, proposing a method of reading as the deployment of networks in order to rethink the workings of early modern composite monarchies and Iberian globalization. 

Saturday, April 12
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Queer Public Lives in Latin America 

Gabriel Giorgi (New York University)

Marcelo Carosi (NYU)
Jonathan Gómez (NYU)
Cristel Jusino Díaz (NYU)
Francisco Marguch (NYU)
Danielle Roper (NYU)

This panel will explore queer theories and studies that address temporality, affect, the commons, and/or institutional life (the university and the public humanities).  Each of the graduate students will speak for about 7-10 minutes in either English or Spanish with Gabriel Giorgi moderating.